My photoblog including photos both with manual and digital camera from every thing and every where. It worths to mention, I'm NOT profissional photographer. Then please, please, please don't expect to find art in this blog :)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Red Bull Ant

25 mm

Red Bull Ant is also known as Giant Bull Ant. They are one of the largest in ants species. They have long, straight and powerful jaws and a potent sting. They have good vision and responded to our approaching even when we were meters away. Red Bull Ants have a reddish-brown head and thorax but the back half of the abdomen is black. Their log jaws are brownish-yellow.

Red Bull Ants build their nest underground and have quite extensive tunnel systems. The nest entry is usually covered by dry plant materials and dirt. The dirt is loosely scattered around the nest mound. Two or three bull ant guards can often be seen in the immediate opening area, keeping a sharp eye out for any possible intruders.

9th of April 2007
Ocean Grove, VIC, Australia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Je suis en train de créer un jeu sur l'Australie et souhaiterais savoir si je peux utiliser gratuitement cette photo de la bull ant pour mon jeu.
Est-ce que vous pourriez m'envoyer une adresse e-mail afin que je vous explique de quoi il s'agit plus précisément.
Merci d'avance

tr-s sincèrement

sophie chabanet